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Perles de la Hollande

...Fantastic trip! Netherlands is the BIKE country : infrastructure, fairly flat trails. Rental bike are well equipped.. [...]

Amsterdam - Bruges

...We have a wonderful time and your service was great, the breakfasts and hotels were wonderful...


...Het waren bijzonder afwisselende routes. Sommige knooppunten waren niet meer te zien door de begroeiing maar door de detailkaarten van DBT kwamen we er wel weer uit...


...The routes in the forest were very easy, with not a lot of people and very pleasant. They even saw some small deer in the morning!...

Amsterdam - Bruges

...Our trip was such a great experience, we were able to see the country of the Netherlands at such a wonderful pace. It is superior to driving as you get to see such beautiful sites along the way. The tour was well organised and we were able to find our way easily from stay to stay. [...]

Anciennes villes hollandaises

...Very pleasant experience. I liked the tone of email exchange with staff in the lead up to the trip when I had a few questions. Answers also came really quickly...  [...]


...het was een prachtige tocht, met vooral paden zonder autos...

Perles de la Hollande

...The bike paths and the countryside were lovely! The GPS was VERY helpful... 

Les merveilles de la Hollande

...Had a great holiday travelling around near Amsterdam. The weather was changeable but we managed to avoid most of the showers. Although we had a problem one day with a bike, Dutch Bike tours helped us contact the bike insurance quickly and they turned up and fixed it so we could continue onwards. [...]

Anciennes villes hollandaises

...Wir sind zurück von unseren unvergesslichen Ferien in Holland und möchten euch allen einen ganz grossen DANKE sagen…. Die Tour und die Hotels waren sehr schön, die Organisation perfekt, alles hat gestimmt! Wir werden es weitersagen... [...]

Voyage à vélo autour de la bruyère et des rivières

...Cycling on the forest paths was beautiful. Cycling directly past the war cemetery in Arnhem meant that we could visit at the end of the 1st day - really quiet... 

Anciennes villes hollandaises

...Alle Routen waren super. Wunderschöne Landschaft und Städte... 

Les merveilles de la Hollande

...Es waren tolle, erlebnisreiche und sehr windige Ferien. Wir haben es sehr genossen...

Vacances à vélo depuis Amsterdam - 5 jours

...Excellent cycling holiday. Bikes, communication, website and accommodation all excellent just don’t bother hiring a GPS. Was a great introduction to cycling in the Netherlands. [...]

Voyages en famille: plage, dunes et villes

...Alle Routen waren sehr toll, schön und abwechslungsreich. wir haben uns richtig in dieses Land, die Leute und ihre Häuser und Gärten verliebt! Die Radtour um Haarlem fanden wir sehr schön, aber auch die Küste nach Nordewijk mit den Dünen und Rehen... [...]
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