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Amsterdam - Bruges

Sharon Dunn - CA

Cyclisme à partir de Muiderberg

We loved our bike tour. Cycling in the Netherlands is a great way for a couple of Aussie tourists to see your country. The canals, polders, forests and villages are so different to home and travelling by bicycle is the best way to appreciate them.  [...]

Francine Oates - AU


Schöne Radtour, gute Streckenführ und viel Natur

Bruno Fründt - DE

Bruges - Amsterdam

A perfect biking holiday. Good bikes, great routes, flawless planning and service. Every day a beautiful ride through stunning countryside, mostly on dedicated bike paths. [...]

Gregory Huson - US

Des Tulipes

Amazingly green and tranquil riding on well maintained tracks, good hotels which were very cycle friendly, great breakfasts to set you up for each day.

Richard Thompson - GB

Amsterdam - Bruges

Séjour exceptionnel. Tout était parfait. Nous avons apprécié la sélection des hôtels, le parcours, la disponibilité de Mélanie notre interlocutrice qui répond très rapidement à nos questions, les vélos, le roadbook... [...]

MIREILLE - france

Circuit du Sud de l'IJsselmeer

Es war eine wunderbare Fahrrad-Reise, die Organisation, die Hotels, der Gepäcktransport, alles hat hervorragend geklappt. Das Beste aber war das Kartenmaterial mit den Beschreibungen und den dargestellten Knotenpunkten. Manche bevorzugen eine App auf dem Handy, wir nicht, uns ist das ausgedruckte, farbige Kartenmaterial am wertvollsten. [...]

Henry Wiedon - DE

Barrages, digues et dunes

Perfekt organisierte Reise mit schöner Streckenführung und sehr guten Hotels

Reimund Sevenheck - DE

La Veluwe à vélo

We especially enjoyed the Roundtour South and the Roundtour East (through the forest on the way to Hoog Soeren).

Catherine Parks - AU

Des Tulipes

Wonderful to be outside all day and the tulips were spectacular. The Netherlands is perfect for cycling - flat with cycle routes everywhere. Loved the e-biking! [...]

Lucy Mason-Pearson - GB

Les merveilles de la Hollande

It is hard to pick a favourite moment of our trip - as we enjoyed every minute of it. It exceeded our expectations completely. My husband and I, and our son, all found the holiday to be fun and relaxing. [...]

Rebecca Buckingham - GB

Les merveilles de la Hollande

I had a wonderful experience. I was also lucky to not see a drop of rain over the five days. I can't wait to book with DBT again and see more of that wonderful country. [...]

Craig Brownstein - US

Vacances à vélo depuis Amsterdam - 5 jours

This was my first solo biking trip and completing it has given me confidence to do longer trips in the future. The programme was well designed , the equipment worked and instructions easy to follow. The scenery was just like a Dutch painting.  [...]

Joyce Tang - HK

La Zélande secrète

Riding over the bridges, the dijks (sp?), and all of the structures part of the Delta project was impressive overall. All of the towns and villages were delightful, even the larger ones like Vlissingen! I loved the tour overall.  [...]


Bruges - Amsterdam

Great trip, well organised and lovely hotels, thank you :-)

Clare Breckin - GB
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